Guide to presentation

English is the official language of this conference.

1. Oral Presentation

  • Presentation is made on the screen projected through PC.
  • Presenters are requested to bring and use their own PC for presentations. (When using a Mac, please be sure that you have your appropriate adapter for connecting to a VGA cable for the projector.)
  • Time of presentation varies with each symposium. Please refer to the symposium program updated on the web site.

Poster Presentation

  • (Attention) Only one of the abstract authors can display its poster on the board at the conference site. The number of posters which the same author can display is limited up to 2.
  • Poster session is to be held on the 2nd floor of Clock Tower Hall.
  • Please visit the Conference web site to confirm your presentation time.
  • Display your poster on your assigned poster board (2100 mm long x 900 mm wide). Presentation No. for your poster is displayed in the upper left corner of the panel.
    Press pins are available for fixing your posters.
  • sample_panel_img
  • Please strictly follow the timetable of poster mounting and removal. Q&A should be included within your given time of display.
  • Presenters are responsible for removing their own posters by the assigned removal time. If the presenter doesn't complete it within a time frame, the poster will not be returned to the presenter.

Supplemental remarks:

  • Since summers are very hot in Kyoto, please come cool.
    No need to wear a suit, tie or anything formal for your presentation at the conference site. Enjoy your hot discussion in the conference.
